So to be honest, it was not a big surprise when Alison let it slip that she was having her Zukie character turned into a 4-inch DIY figure. After making a splash on the scene with a signature character, that would be the logical next step. Introducing DIY Zukie- a clean, simple and well-made DIY figure:
DIY Zukie has one point of articulation (neck) and is just as clean as can be. Certainly a great platform to customize. With a price point at $9.95, this figure directly competes with Kidrobot's Mini Munny and the Mini Qees from Toy2R.
Whoever produced this figure for Alison did a great job on packaging, with plastic inserts in the box just like the big boys use.
Zukie art all over the box is fun and works well with the DIY nature of this figure. I've seen a bunch of artists posting on Facebook that they are excited to finally get their hands on a DIY Zukie.
You can secure your own on May 25th at the following link:
You can secure your own on May 25th at the following link:
I am really happy that Alison got this sample Zukie to me when she did... a day later, Arqball visited us in our warehouse and took an interactive spin of the DIY Zukie figure:
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